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Island Park

Links & Info


Trail Maps

Winter Recreation Map
Island Park Snow-machine Trail 


Trail Grooming

Without the incredible State run snowmobile grooming program these trails would not exist. There are several Pisten Bully groomers that go out every single night to keep up with the snow fall and maintenance of this trail network – the most in all of the state.


Current Trail Grooming

Fremont County Trail Information

Grooming Report


Snowfall Information

Island Park Snowtel Station
Annual Snowfall Avg vs Current


Sawtelle Mountain Resort

Island Park, Idaho 


60k Race

Start / Finish – Sawtelle Mountain Resort

Start - 8AM 
Aid Stations:

Aid 1 @ mile 12 - "Lunch Stop" 

Aid 2 @ miles 25 - "Snack Stop"


200k Race

Start / Finish – Sawtelle Mountain Resort

Start - 7AM
Aid Stations: 

Aid 1 @ mile 28 - "Lunch Stop"

Aid 2 @ mile 76 - "Breakfast Stop"

Aid 3 @ mile 113 - "Self-Serve Snack Stop"




Aid stations are also checkpoints. There will be hot/cold water, sweet and salty snacks and GU products at each aid station. Additionally at each aid station there will be a highlight food of sorts ie grilled PB&J, potatoes, soup, pancakes...who knows but it will be hot and filling!


Drop bags are allowed for both distances. Details below.






CHECKPOINT 1, the "Lunch Stop" - Aprox 12 miles in, at a trail junction.


You will be able to get cold/hot water, grilled peanut butter and jelly, cup of soup, salty and sweet snacks and some GU energy products. 


CHECKPOINT 2, the "Snack Stop" - Aprox 25 miles in, in a parking lot.


There will be just enough here to kick you in the butt to the finish! So, for sure cokes and cookies and other mouth watering items. Along with cold/hot water and some GU energy products.


Both CP's are outside camps set up with tents and heaters. Mind you there is enough space inside the heated tents to dry some things and warm up but there is not a lot of space so be mindful and respectful of your fellow participants. First in, first out is the policy.





CHECKPOINT 1, the "Lunch Stop" - 28 miles in at trail junction #40 on the snowmobile map. It is a 3.5 mile out and back off the main route to get to this CP.


You will be able to get cold/hot water, grilled peanut butter and jelly, cup of soup, salty and sweet snacks, coke, and some GU energy products. 


CHECKPOINT 2, the "Breakfast Stop" - 76 miles in at Harriman State Park.


You could potentially visit CP 2 twice but you will need to veer off the route at the end of the 12 mile loop you are routed to do in Harriman State Park. You go directly by it at the start of the loop.

At the CP there will be cold/hot water, bacon, Kodiak Cakes flapjacks w/ toppings, salty and sweet snacks, coke, and some GU energy products.


CHECKPOINT 3, the "Self-Serve Snack Stop" - 113 miles in at a parking lot as you cross a road.


Depending on when you arrive to CP 3 there may or may not be volunteers there. If not, you may walk inside and help yourself.


There will be just enough here to kick you in the butt to the finish! So, for sure cokes and cookies and other mouth watering items. Along with cold/hot water and some GU energy products.


All CP's are outside camps set up with tents and heaters. Mind you there is enough space inside the heated tents to dry some things and warm up but there is not a lot of space so be mindful and respectful of your fellow participants. First in first out is the policy.​



REMEMBER: Checkpoints are meant to be exactly that and act as an aid station/resupply. Race management did not organize these for you to sleep in but certainly rest if you need to.  

First come, first serve with the available space. The same goes for the first one in is the first one out when it gets too crowded.  You are carrying sleeping gear and can sleep outside, of course OFF trail. With that being said there is room to take time to dry.


The 200km participants must stop and bring 8 ounces of water to a rolling boil at a undisclosed location before continuing on.
• You are only allowed to use the equipment and supplies you are carrying.
• You can use snow.
• If at a Checkpoint you can not use the Checkpoint supplies.
• You can aid from the checkpoint before, during and after your water boil.
• The water boil area will be monitored and flagged.



Both the 200k and the 60k will allow drop bags. They will be brought to CP 1 and CP 2 for both distances. 
Drop bags should include food only. No additional gear such as batteries, hand warmers, and clothing are permitted in the drop bag. You must start with all the equipment you need as well as finish with the equipment you start with. No dropping of equipment. Drop bags should be packed in a garbage bag with your name and number clearly written on them. When the checkpoint volunteers close the checkpoint and return to the Headquarters they will bring back whatever drop bags were remaining.



(This does NOT apply to the 60km distance event.)

Tracking is mandatory. We work with for this service.
The cost of this is on top of the registration cost and you will be getting an email from Trackleaders 1-2 weeks prior to the race for this service.

The cost is $20 if you use your own tracking device (SPOT or InReach) and $60 for a rented device.
Reserved SPOT devices will be available for pick-up at racer registration. If you have your own device Trackleaders will be asking participants for your ESN number and shared page link.
The devices for rent are SPOT ‘Trace’ units (smaller and lighter) and operate on 4 AAA lithium batteries that you need to supply.



Cut-off times will be based generously, reasonably, and split up considering the overall time given. In short, the event weekend wraps up Sunday late afternoon/evening.




I will not enforce any cut-off times. That said no bivying or long stops allowed, this is not the multi-day event. If you show me continual and constant movement I will let you keep on keepin' on! Sound good!?

Also, understand the RD has the right to pull you if you are showing signs of being unsafe or are not prepared/equipped for the weather. 




Cut-off at CP 1 - Friday, 7PM (12 hours)


Cut-off at CP 2 - Saturday, 7PM (36 hours)


Cut-off at CP 3 - No cut off time but no bivying or sleeping when you leave this CP. :) You made it this far now finish it up!


**With respect to all the participants who are taking this Pursuit on and knowing the preparation that goes into it, as well as the new course this year with no past years' beta, there might be flexibility with this. We want everyone to succeed but we also need everyone to be safe, including our volunteers. 



© 2025 Fat Pursuit


A winter race in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem.

Operating under a special-use permit with the Caribou-Targhee National Forest
Equal Opportunity Service Provider


© 2024 Site design by Rae Creative

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